Aron Lozano

My name is Aron Lozano.

Who I am:

I’m from Niceville, FL. And I promise I’ve heard whatever joke just popped in your head about that name.  

I’m a Florida Gator. Graduated in 2009 with a Bachelor’s in Economics and History. I was ready to wear a sport coat with jeans to work every day.

I work in software which isn’t at all what I expected but God is good.

I’m blessed with a great family and great friends.

What I love:

I love making people laugh and attempting to use sarcasm as a murder weapon.

I love the Florida Gators.

I have severe gadget lust. And love starting new projects to justify this lust.

I’m an amateur podcaster and professional Coke Zero drinker.

I think:

Star Wars > Star Trek

Raiders of the Lost Ark is the best Indiana Jones.  Temple of Doom gets a bad rap.

I like the Sopranos ending. A lot.

There’s an episode of Seinfeld for just about anything.

What would you say I do here?

I’m not entirely sure what this site will grow in to, yet. But I’m shooting for semi-frequent updates on subjects that interest me or relevant topics. This is not the greatest site in the world, this is just a tribute to the things I love.